Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What the Week Looks Like

Just a few more days till we leave! 

Here are some of the places we will be visiting:

Youth World ( Youth World exists to identify, teach and equip leaders to impact young people and families to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Old Town: My favorite part here is the Basilica of the National Vow, a Roman Catholic church in the historic center of Quito and the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the Americas. Climb to the top for an amazing view!

Casa Gabriel ( G is a training ministry and home for former street kids in Quito. Casa G exists to identify, teach and equip young men to become leaders and ambassadors for Jesus Christ. 

Cristo LiberadorCristo Liberador is an inner-city mission church in Comite del Pueblo.

Casa Adalia ( Casa Adalia is a “next-step” home for girls at risk or who have completed the initial therapeutic process and recovery from being trafficked in the sex industry and who desire to pursue a new life in God through holistic and intentional training.

Carmen Bajo ( Carmen Bajo is a very poor community on the side of a hill. Most of the parishioners live in the area. Unemployment is high (70%); most jobs are manual labor: maids, factory workers, masons and plumbers. The church of Carmen Bajo consists of two parts. One is the former church building, which is now the center for social services. The Compassion International Program is held here along with a preschool and other education programs. The preschool has about 40 students. Aside from the preschool students, about 40 kids from this community receive scholarships.

Argelia Alta ( Argelia Alta is in a very poor neighborhood nestled above the hills in south Quito. It is a Compassion International site and has a non-profit foundation, Remanso de Amor, which helps supplement programs. The site is a facility for kids to receive food, classes from volunteers, and biblical instruction. It also serves as a church, medical center, trade school and high school. It is still under construction, but has fully functional space as well.

Emaus ( Emaus is an Episcopal Church in a poor area of south Quito. Most of the parishioners live in the area, although some travel up to 2 hours each way to be a part of the church. Most jobs that are held are manual labor – maids, factory workers, some ‘professional’ masons and plumbers. Although a small church, they are very active, and growing.  The youth ministry is particularly strong, as well as the women’s ministry.

Otavalo Market: "The world famous Saturday crafts market in Otavalo is one of the most well known throughout the Andes. The indigenous weavers from the villages around Otavalo are among the most talented in Ecuador and the Otavaleños, talented at adapting their products to market demands, have won recognition and prosperity on an international level. Although the Saturday market is the largest and most famous in Ecuador, any day of the week you can shop the labyrinth handicrafts market in the Plaza de Los Ponchos, as well as the numerous wholesale and retail handicrafts shops for exquisitely woven textiles, woolen ponchos, blankets, hats and wall hangings, as well as hand knit sweaters, shawls, and scarves, tagua carved jewelry and even well crafted Andean folk music instruments. Also on Saturdays, many visitors plan an early morning trip (about 7 am) to the animal market where you see everything from llamas to horses, cows to dogs. Located just outside of town you can visit before the more tourist-oriented crafts market and the local food and housewares markets, which are found nearby. Otavalo is situated in the Andes two hours north of Quito, at an altitude of 2500 meters, and has a population of about 40,000. Casa Mojanda is just a 10 minute taxi ride from Otavalo on the scenic cobblestone road to the Mojanda Lakes. From Casa Mojanda you may also walk down to Otavalo via the cobblestone road or through the countryside." ( 

Buen Pastor (Good Shepherd) is an Episcopal church in Quito.  

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