Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day Two: a Reciprocal Partnership

Saturday was our first day at our ministry site, Cristo Liberador, an inner-city mission church in Comite del Pueblowhich is about 20 minutes away from our hostel. When we arrived at 8:00 am, we gathered in the church for a welcome greeting and introductions. We sang and worshipped together, and then the ladies of the church served us breakfast (bread, cheese, fruit and colada morada, a traditional Ecuadorean beverage).

After breakfast, we split up into several different work groups, working alongside the Ecuadorean parishioners. We had a kitchen crew helping to prepare lunch, a group playing with preschoolers, several people attending a youth event that included a Happening meeting, a group painting a classroom and preparing to paint a mural, and a painting crew working on the metalwork on the front of the church (window grates, handrails and gates).

Midday, we were served a delicious lunch of chicken rice. Most crews went back to their work areas after lunch, and a few helped clean up the kitchen and peel potatoes for dinner.

We were back at our hostel around 4 pm, had a wonderful dinner prepared by Cameron's mother-in-law, and had a debriefing meeting to discuss our highs and lows of the day and to share a moment or two of where we saw God at work around us. 


  1. Praying for all of you every day! Tell my John his mom misses him and loves him!

  2. Yay! Thank you for the update!❤️ Much love to you all!
